?Senator Kelly recently spoke in favor of a continuous air space for military training across southern AZ. I am concerned that wide expansion of military flights in the Southeast corner of the state would have deafening noise & air pollution impact on the fragile natural environment over the Chiricahuas & nearby Peloncillos (Tombstone MOA). Many scientists consider the Portal AZ area within the Chiricahuas to have the richest biodiversity in the U.S, a reason why the Portal community is home to the American Museum of Natural History’s SW Research Station. The SW Station, other nearby historical lodgings, and the National Forest have hosted National & International biology researchers, naturalists, ecotourists and other visitors for decades. ***This area is very close to the Chiricahua National Monument which has been submitted to Congress for designation as a National Park by Senators Kelly, Sinema & Representative Ciscomani*** It is an extraordinarily beautiful environment that also includes significant National Forest range. You are welcome to visit so you will know more about this very special area. Meanwhile please work closely with the military to ensure that training flight routes are appropriately selected a safe distance away from the Chiricahua/Peloncillos to maximize preservation of an incredible part of Arizona.